4 Elements of a Legendary Marriage Part 1The Individual

Published: March 7, 2019, 1 a.m.


50% of marriages end in divorce. Out of the half that stay together, 1/3 report being happy, 1/3 are \\u201chappy enough\\u201d and the other 1/3 are miserable. We actively plan our businesses, goals, and finances, but most of us keep our marriage on auto-pilot and expect it to maintain itself. Communication breaks down, resentment builds, and the love slowly dies.

We are dedicating this month to designing our relationships with our spouses. Lance Salazar from\\xa0Legendary Couples\\xa0is back on the show. He has just released The Miracle Morning for Legendary Couples, which he coauthored with Hal Elrod. He breaks down the 4 Elements of a Legendary Marriage for us:

  1. The Individual
  2. The Partnership
  3. Becoming Friends
  4. Becoming Lovers

Today, we talk about the first element\\u2014the individual. In order to be the best partners and parents, we have to work on ourselves first.\\xa0

For the show notes and exclusive links mentioned in this episode go to gooddadproject.com/thursday148.


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