Making Artisanal Pasta Dario Barbone Baia Pasta | Be Part of The Show (850) FOOD-USA

Published: Sept. 1, 2013, 6:14 p.m.

Dario and Renato, both from Italy, decided they wanted to return the art of pasta making back to its roots. 

Dario is a cancer researcher by trade, while Renato grew up in the food world. Renato Sardo is the former Director of Slow Food. 


Our Story

Baia Pasta is an Oakland-based artisan food company founded by Renato Sardo with Dario Barbone. Both Renato and Dario were born and raised in Piemonte, a region in Northwestern Italy. 

The seed for BAIA Pasta started when Renato learned that most Italian pasta is made from American and Canadian wheat that is shipped to Italy, made into pasta, and then shipped back. 

After a few years of study, Renato extracted enough wisdom from the Italian maestri to start extruding his own pastasciutta made from all sorts of grains from local farms.

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