Making Amazing Pizzas with The Baking Steel- Call in 850-FOOD-USA

Published: Aug. 13, 2013, 3:55 a.m.

Welcome to The Food Craftsmen episode #06

Andris Lagsdin has a passion for creating awesome pizzas at home. With a bit of inspiration from the books Modernist Cuisine, he reached back into his family steel business to create a modern version of the "pizza stone". 

The Baking Steel allows you to "create the crust you crave" right in your own home ovens. The best part, you don't have to worry about it breaking.

Andris shares how Kickstarter and the devotion people have for amazing pizza helped him launch this great business.

Become part of the show by calling in at:

850-366-3872 (850-food-usa)

or on speakepipe:

Music by Kawehi

Cover "come on in my kitchen"

By her album here: