CI 150 - Keeping Your Sanity in a World Gone Crazy with Dr Gina Loudon

Published: Nov. 16, 2018, 5 p.m.


In this 10th episode, Jason Hartman speaks with Dr. Gina Loudon, co-host of America Talks Live on NewsmaxTV, certified hypnotherapist, founding writer at Breitbart and official Trump campaign surrogate, spokesperson to Donald Trump\'s 2016 Presidential campaign and member of the President\'s 2020 Media Advisory Board. The two discuss the political divide that\'s present in today\'s society and whether it\'s worse now than it\'s been in the past. They also discuss the 3 types of people in the world and how President Trump is one of the most misunderstood people on the planet.

Key Takeaways:

[2:38] We frequently forget to look at the WHY all this division is going on

[5:39] Are we really divided more now or is it all just sensationalized?

[10:51] The USA is actually living in the most healthy, happy, prosperous and safest times in history

[15:34] The monologue media vs the dialogue media

[16:51] The 3 types of people in today\'s world

[20:51] Gina says President Trump is one of the kindest and loyal people she\'s ever met

