CI 111 - Danielle DiMartino-Booth - The Unwind of the Biggest Monetary Policy Experiment EVER

Published: Jan. 19, 2018, 6:50 p.m.


Jason Hartman talks with Danielle DiMartino-Booth, author of FED UP! and founder of Money Strong, about her thoughts on the new tax reform bill, whether the corporate repatriation will improve the economy, cryptocurrency, the US shrinking labor force and more.

Key Takeaways:

[1:46] Danielle\'s thoughts on the new GOP Tax Reform

[5:15] Share buybacks have slowed, why is that important?

[7:55] We have no idea what the unwind of the biggest experiment in monetary policy will look like

[10:47] Why the biggest bubble out there today is the confidence bubble

[11:41] Danielle\'s opinion of the cryptocurrency world today

[14:13] The best comparison for the cryptocurrency mania we see today

[17:35] The United States has had a shrinking work force for 20 years now

[18:27] We have GOT to change our education system so we can be competitive on the global stage



So much of this tax law depends on unicorns existing that I just don\'t know how much faith we can put in it

2017 has been a record run rate for quantitative easing globally

You can\'t tell me that anything is a storer of value that can lose 25% in a week
