Episode 040 : Hellraiser (4) Bloodline

Published: April 26, 2013, 4 p.m.



Jose and Ryan are joined by guests Jonathan Kui, Max Lichtor and Mark Buckle to talk about Hellraiser 4: Bloodline. This talk got so long we broke it in to 2 parts, so here\\u2019s the second part. \\xa0Hit the link for the show notes.

1). \\xa0Hellraiser-Nightbreed Jihad Xipe Totec reference.

2) \\xa0IN the Mouth of Madness trailer


2) \\xa0Event Horizon Trailer

3) \\xa0Cronos Trailer


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Theme by Colin Lacativa

Max Lichtor: pyramid-gallery.com,
Mark Buckle: Labyrinth, http://labyrinth.me.ht
Jonathan Kui: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VttHhGmZR2c Hellraiser Winter\\u2019s Lament
