Back to Basics with the Environment Commissioner of Ontario

Published: Nov. 22, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

b'Dianne Saxe could very well be Ontario\\u2019s last Environmental Commissioner due to recently announced budget cuts. Commissioner Saxe is this week\\u2019s guest on Blue Fish Radio, and speaks with Lawrence Gunther about water pollution, the loss of wetlands, threats to wildlife, and how each of us can voice our concerns and suggestions on what needs to be done to conserve Ontario\\u2019s wildlife, wetlands, and the future of fish and fishing.
Link to hear what Commissioner Saxe has identified as priorities in her latest report, Back to Basics on this episode of Blue Fish Radio:
Follow the links below to the ECO\\u2019s:
\\xb7 report media release/commissioner\\u2019s remarks
\\xb7 report landing page
Follow the link below to register for the ECO\\u2019s Back to Basics webinar on November 29:'