Is Education in US Preparing Kids for the Future? - Quick Clip

Published: Oct. 24, 2019, 5:42 p.m.

b'\\u201cWe (U.S.) are still running a system of public education that is built for a different economic era.\\u201d - Dr. Justin Bathon

Another Quick Clip, with Dr. Justin Bathon sharing his opinion on the overall job the US is doing in helping to ready kids for what\\u2019s ahead and in solving future challenges. Is the \\u201cfactory-model\\u201d of education still in use at your schools? If yes, is it past time to reconsider? Take 2 minutes to listen and you decide.

Dr. Bathon is from the University of Kentucky, Department of Educational Leadership Studies, and has played a part in bolstering education in Kentucky, and elsewhere in the United States.'