How Can Veterans Get Assistance They Deserve? Jim Ward Invents a Word in Crazy Bids.

Published: Oct. 31, 2017, 4:39 p.m.

b'In honor of Veteran\\u2019s Day, our host and U.S. veteran, Bill Culhane, visits with Dr. Jeffrey Wenger, an expert on veteran\\u2019s employment issues. Dr. Wenger discusses what U.S. businesses and governments are doing to help our nation\\u2019s veterans. Included, Dr. Wenger reviews the somewhat unique, and in-demand skills, possessed by our nation\\u2019s finest.

Jim Ward has finally returned from Burning Man and taken his throne in front of the Crazy Bids microphone. Jim is a complex person and shares some of his complexity. How does he find time to invent words?

Dr. Jeffrey Wenger:

My Next Move for Veterans:

Transition Assistance Program (TAP):'