#28: Brad Lea

Published: Sept. 18, 2023, 9 a.m.


Brad Lea is a sales trainer, founder of the web-based learning platform LightSpeed VT, and host of the Dropping Bombs podcast.\\xa0

In this no-holds-barred conversation, Brad shares his journey from self-interested young entrepreneur to leader focused fully on helping others \\u2013 a transformation that massively grew his net worth and life satisfaction.\\xa0

Brad also discusses:\\xa0

  • How he built his training platform into a monster business with clients like Grant Cardone and Tony Robbins
  • Why he believes \\u201cthe more hands you shake, the more money you\\u2019ll make\\u201d
  • The 4 necessary ingredients for effective training
  • The ways people self-sabotage when trying to build wealth
  • How he\\u2019d help a 25-year-old become a millionaire by focusing on 3 specific capabilities\\xa0
  • Why he doubled his speaking fee
  • Why he doesn\\u2019t set budgets
  • How he got rid of a scarcity mindset
  • Selling versus Helping
  • How raising your \\u201cself worth\\u201d leads to a higher net worth
  • His view on faith, spirituality and The Bible
  • The first thing he does every morning to set himself up to crush the day

Brad\\u2019s charitable cause:\\xa0

Any solid charitable organization fighting child abuse and trafficking.\\xa0

Connect with Brad:

Youtube: The Real Brad Lea

Brad\'s Instagram


Dropping Bombs Podcast
