What's the Best of the Best Advice?

Published: Nov. 23, 2020, 9 a.m.

b"Maybe I'm more\\xa0tired than I realized. The episode that was supposed to run today, Grandparent Advice with Sam Greenspan and Ren\\xe9e Wolf McKible,\\xa0I accidentally launched\\xa0on Saturday. Whoops! So, what should have been today's episode\\xa0is already in your feed. Don't miss it! It's part 1 of an ongoing series I'm really\\xa0excited about featuring your grandparents best advice.But as long as I've got you here, I want to ask, what advice from this show have you actually integrated\\xa0into your life? We're over 150 episodes in and I want to start reflecting on some of the stickiest advice you've heard on the show. Let me know by calling the hotline at 844-935-BEST or by writing me at Z A K at bestadvice.show. You can also respond to the instagram video I posted in the comment section.I'm so excited\\xa0to hear what's stuck with you this year. I'm thinking I'll collect your greatest\\xa0hits into a week or two of shows at the end of the year.Thanks! Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit acast.com/privacy for more information."