The Ben Simmons Soap Opera Part 6 + Confounding Cavs + Where will the Lillard Go? + A Rondo Return + Teachers Get Paid Too Much

Published: Sept. 1, 2021, 10 a.m.

b'POINT OF CONTENTION\\nDATE: 8/31/21\\nHOST: ZACH\\xa0\\nCO-HOST: JAMES | JAY\\n\\n\\nINTRO\\nWelcome to Point of Contention. Five Subjects Five Minutes. Five Points of Contention.\\xa0\\nIm Zach, Jade Hoye is producing.\\nComing up on the show...Will Daryl trade 25? Confounding Cavs! Lillards Lips are Sealed? The Ancient Lakers and Free Agency Winners and Losers.\\xa0\\nIn this corner, Flynt Michigan native, Pistons expert, Clippers fan, and future author of the book \\u201cBad Boy: How Stan Van was not the Man\\u201d\\nIt\\u2019s James Edwards III.\\nJames, the new Kanye? Classic or Flaccid?\\nAnd in this corner\\u2026from the hard streets of Springfield Mass, Celtics beat reporter, and future author of the book From the Mid Ainge: The rise and fall of Danny Ainge\\xa0\\u2026 Jay \\u2018The Kid\\u2019 King\\nJay, is Damian Lillard the greatest NBA rapper of all time?\\n(Banter)\\nSEG 1\\nJade start the Clock! A matter of when not if!\\n***From The Athletic\\u2019s Shams Charania dateline August 30***\\nSince July the 76ers has conducted \\u201cexpansive\\u201d discussions with several teams, including Minnesota and Toronto, but neither a Timberwolves package nor the Raptors\\u2019 proposals have appealed to the 76ers as of yet.\\xa0\\nRival executives believe it\\u2019s only a matter of when \\u2014 not if \\u2014 the All-Defensive team stalwart is moved.\\xa0\\nFor now, all signs continue to point to 25\\u2019s career in Philadelphia coming to an end.\\n(BREAKING NEWS)\\xa0\\nHold on we got some breaking news happening right now.\\xa0\\nFrom Keith Pompey 25 now says he no longer wants to be with the 76ers!\\xa0\\nWhoaaaaaaa!\\xa0\\nFrom the Philadelphia Inquirer\\nBen Simmons let it be known that he wants out. In a meeting with the 76ers last week in Los Angeles, Simmons told team co-managing partner Josh Harris, president of basketball operations Daryl Morey, general manager Elton Brand and coach Doc Rivers that he no longer wants to remain a Sixer, according to multiple sources. Sources said the three-time All-Star also does not intend to report to training camp.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'