Pau of Contention: --> GM Survey + Deandre Ayton Playin Around, Philadelphia Standoff, Sleep or Keep? & Farewell Pau

Published: Oct. 7, 2021, 10 a.m.

b"The Athletic NBA Show Presents - Point of Contention with Marcus Thompson and Jay 'The KID' King. Hosted by Zach Harper | Produced by Jade Hoye\\nTake1: It\\u2019s John Schuhmann SZN!\\nTake2: Deandre Aint\\u2019in getting the Max? Bad Break...\\nTake 3: Over in Philadelphia the 76ers standoff with player 25 continues. From 76ers reporter Kyle Neubeck \\u201cdespite assurances through various media members of note, a league source says the financial significance of holding out is starting to take hold in 25's camp.\\xa0\\nTale 4: Dont Sleep\\u2026 but be a Sleeper! It\\u2019s Fantasy Basketball SZN\\nTake 5: Goodbye, Farewell, Adios Pau Gasol!\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit"