Should football scrap transfer fees?

Published: Jan. 21, 2021, 6 a.m.

b"Mark Chapman and The Athletic's Matt Slater are joined by two of football\\u2019s leading economic and legal minds - Daniel Geey and Stefan Szymanski - to help us ponder the question \\u2018should football scrap transfer fees?\\u2019\\nThe current transfer window is moving quite slow, clubs are facing tougher financial challenges, so what if we just got rid of transfer fees and allowed players to move freely between employers like most people do in 'normal' jobs?\\nIs the current system technically illegal, what would be the alternative system if we chose to replace transfer fees, and can we learn anything from looking at the closed model of trades and free agency in North American sports?\\xa0\\nAll this and more considered as we try to get to the bottom of an issue that is fundamental to the game as we know it.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit"