Avani After Dark interview with reggae artist Jah Bouks

Published: Dec. 8, 2017, 10:40 p.m.

This Avani After Dark podcast features an interview with one of the rising stars in the reggae universe, Jah Bouks. Avani, in her usual engaging interview style, brings you the REAL Jah in his own words. In an Avani After Dark first Jah even turns the tables on Avani and he starts to interview her!

The Avani After Dark (AAD) podcast is a special interview series from the UK Soul Queen Diva, Avani. You can hear AAD interviews Wednesday at 8p gmt on the iRadio station, SoMetro UK. Replays air on the GET GLOBAL NETWORK of iRadio stations. Check out Avani.SoMetroRadio.com for broadcast days and times to hear new interviews and to listen to previous podcasts of the Avani After Dark podcast.

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