
Published: Dec. 27, 2023, 7:15 p.m.


Despite not officially working there yet Denise is back organising appointments at the Surgery. She suggests to Alistair that they have lunch outside in the sun. Later, Denise remembers the last time they had sandwiches together like this \\u2013 it was the day she told Alistair she was moving to another practice. She admits she regrets moving, before they retreat back inside as it\\u2019s too cold. Alistair takes Denise\\u2019s hands in his to warm them up. They both confess to missing each other, but a phone call from John with a mundane query for Denise spoils the moment. Suddenly awkward, Alistair and Denise agree it's a good idea to just finish their lunch.

Brian and Kate have brought some Christmas cake to The Nest for Alice, worried she might be feeling lonely while Martha\\u2019s with Chris. But in fact Alice has arranged to have lunch with someone. Brian and Kate manage to get out of her that this lunch date is with her new man and want to know all about him. Alice tries fending off their questions, but unfortunately Harry arrives early, so she cannot avoid introducing them to him. Their small talk is relatively unexcruciating, before Alice and Harry set off, leaving Kate and Brian to finish their coffee. Brian thoroughly approves of Alice\\u2019s choice, but Kate doesn\\u2019t like Harry\\u2019s aura and thinks there is something off about him. Brian scoffs, remarking on how happy Alice looks. He then gets Kate to promise she won\\u2019t make things awkward for Alice. She must give Harry a chance.
