
Published: Dec. 15, 2023, 7:15 p.m.


Alice and Harry are on a date at the Country Park Illuminations. Alice is feeling nervous and Harry\\u2019s worried that it is the company that is putting her off. Alice reassures him that it isn\\u2019t him, but she has something to tell him. Alice goes on to say that Harry might not like her after she tells him, but she\\u2019ll have to do it. She explains that she is a recovering alcoholic, and that she was drinking through her pregnancy and after Martha was born while she was looking after her. Alice says she likes Harry and she thinks he likes her, but she needs him to know everything. Harry tells her he thinks she\\u2019s amazing and it doesn\\u2019t make a difference to how he feels about her.

Freddie and David are talking about Christmas and Freddie tells him about how the abattoir completely shuts down over the holiday season as Vince wants everyone to have a proper break. \\nThey go on to talk about Christmas Day, and David is put out when Freddie tells him they\\u2019ll be spending it with Lily and Paul\\u2019s parents at The Stables. Freddie goes on to tease David about ordering takeaway for his and Ruth\\u2019s anniversary rather than going out for a meal. David counters with the fact that they\\u2019ve been married thirty-five years, eleven years older than Freddie\\u2019s actual age, and they\\u2019re tired and probably won\\u2019t make it to the end of the film. Joy catches up with them, further putting the boot in by telling David that she\\u2019ll also be spending Christmas at The Stables.
