Hell Has Frozen Over

Published: Nov. 26, 2023, 4:46 a.m.

b'#CMPUNK has returned to #WWE at #SURVIVORSERIES and Jason, Kevin, and Joe talk about the return, what it means, and what they would like to see now that Pepsi Phil is back in the Major Leagues.\\n\\nCheck Us Out On Social Media :\\n\\nFacebook - www.facebook.com/ThatWrestlePod\\nX - www.twitter.com/ThatWrestlePod\\nInstagram - www.instagram.com/ThatWrestlePod\\nTikTok - www.tiktok.com/@ThatWrestlePod \\n\\nFollow Us On X :\\n\\nJason - www.twitter.com/MarchewkaMania\\nBrian - www.twitter.com/TWPBrian\\nJoe - www.twitter.com/TWP_JT\\nKevin - www.twitter.com/TWP_Kevin\\n\\nBUY A SHIRT!!!\\n\\nhttps://whatamaneuver.net/collections...'