Episode 36: Precision Medicine for Pets

Published: March 30, 2021, 6:44 p.m.

At TGen, scientists have studied naturally occurring cancer in canines for over a decade. This expertise led to the formation of a company aimed specifically at partnering with veterinarians to identify treatment options for our four-legged friends and bring greater peace of mind to pet parents.   Vidium Animal Health was launched in September of 2020, to provide genomic based precision medicine to veterinary oncologist through its flagship test Searchlight DNA.    Searchlight DNA was designed to specifically identify any of the nearly 120 known cancer associated genetic mutations in dogs and to use the molecular profile of misbehaving genes to help guide diagnosis and treatment.    In episode 36 of TGen Talks, veterinarian and Vidium president Dr. David Haworth discusses how Vidium can help inform veterinarians and pet parents about which mutations are causing their pet’s cancer to grow and spread, and how Vidium wants to  use precision medicine to combat canine cancer in new and more effective ways.