Why We Moved Over To E. X. P. Realty Explained By Mr. Texas Real Estate

Published: April 14, 2021, 4:48 p.m.


We have a couple guest in here we have on Conor signed brook we have Brett Phillips and we\'ll be talking about our new ventures forming this group we\'re already kinda often running we\'re getting a lot of people who are putting their big toe in the water trying to figure some things out interested in coming on board but maybe but maybe not to give me a Monson Hey I\'m looking for this and that\'s okay but after tonight show and tomorrow night\'s show you should be ready to go take the plunge no more big toe head first E. X. P. realty with Mr Texas real estate and we\'re gonna be off and running so good evening Brandon Connor how are you guys doing great they have a son who\'s a good doing good things happen yeah this is I\'m her doing talent as like let\'s get him every let\'s get every day yeah yeah that\'s fine yeah so you know we\'re still. In the introduction stage. Mmhm we\'re we\'re beyond dating we\'ve we\'ve committed. So we\'re any XP and my wife is already off and running and she\'s closed I don\'t know close to. 800000 so far so she\'ll she\'ll be probably in Chile capped by the end of the summer with the XP so she\'s super happy she loves the whole online world she\'s figuring it all out she\'s like this is greatly. They say they\'re going to be there at 830 in the morning and guess what they\'re there at 830 in the morning waiting for you so she\'s loving all the experience and Jason and I are pushing out final of properties and properties out and leases but once you guys give us a little bit more on E. X. P. not so much the experience of how you got there but just kind of give me a you know it\'s nationwide brokerage cut worldwide broker Jones at this point and kind of break it down a little bit for us just you wanna talk about the the business model what about that business model I really want to get into that pretty hard today okay so some of the business model so I was first introduced to the model but by this man here Connor Steinbrueck where he blindsided me with it and and so I won\'t get into so how that kind of serendipity happened but here\'s here\'s the thing with the model is the way that I talk about you XP realty is I I compare it to to Amazon right and so we all know the Amazons here and Amazon has what 3 or 4 times a valuation of Walmart sure even though it hasn\'t you know none of the physical office the buildings or houses and things like that right in it she that valuation in just a fraction of the time because they created a more efficient streamlined model that that that people out so that\'s what he Expedia there there\'s a centrally 4 pillars of the XP so our founder Glenn Sanford was a tech guy he was at Microsoft he was at a well he\'s a legion expert he took all this tech background and knowledge that he had in whenever he came into real estate he got his license high producing agent got his broker\'s license any took a step back that kind of 10000 foot view and he\'s like 0 my god this is a messed up business model you know it really is that\'s why the typical broker model typical brokers are supposed to be helping agents supporting them educating them training them helping the market. England legion what are they what are typical brokers doing taking all the good leads doing their own listings and given their their ages maybe 5 minutes a month so it\'s like that\'s a problem that\'s what numbers are supposed to do so he went Amazon real estate so the pillars that he said he said a first and foremost we\'re gonna be cloud based all of this all of the this brick and mortar this overhead you can have it if you want I\'ve got an office you guys have a building you know we can have offices as agencies like corporately we don\'t need that we\'re not going to sell more real estate we\'re not going to be more productive that that is a big huge liability and every building that we have comes with all this additional.

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