When The Market Place Changes Everybody Uses What They Thought Would Work Last Time

Published: July 26, 2021, 7:19 p.m.


I got one question from the audience and I\'m gonna turn into an email probably today or tomorrow and somebody said Hey look at the fed is print all this money and what do you think it\'s gonna do to real estate prices moving forward because it\'s a lot like 2008 I\'m like I was like well that\'s technically not correct and so what I\'m gonna put together an email and it\'s gonna be there\'s gonna be like 2 you\'ve actually read it up but it\'s about the difference we M. one M. 2 M. 3 and M. 4 money supply sure and so I\'m gonna talk a little bit about that but it\'s a really good question I I just didn\'t have time to explain all of it and effective I probably should have Stephanie pull up the chart because it\'s you really got to see the chart to see what\'s going on but long story short what happened in 8 no 9 was not what happened it\'s not sort has not what\'s happening in the last 2 years so it\'s very different how the money is actually being deployed through the system this is actually much worse than what happened at all this is this is I mean this is a hand grenade of cash yeah this is just piles and piles of money there was an interaction going through Egypt yes in 2008 with but will still even that which is called a shot gun blast yeah you know verses what maybe Nixon Carter did which would have been right right right right it\'s just like throw more money out now we\'re even throw even more money yeah this is a nuclear bomb of right right 2008 the consumer didn\'t get checks that\'s right now we\'re getting challenges getting checks for nothing right absolutely so this is completely different and I\'m so thank you Republicans we appreciate yeah that\'s right yeah yes it\'s a Republican Congress and a Republican. I\'ll let you conservative right so. This is why I\'m done with the whole thing Iraq\'s I got a little political rant last night if I don\'t know if you\'re still standing there when I was talking about it but tough people start talking about interest rates and I said do you see Paul Volker around here anymore I don\'t I like and then I made the joke I said you know we call that guy will call the guy Daddy yeah is that it shows up says we\'re not we\'re not doing this anymore this is stupid we\'re not destroying long term monetary policy of our country that\'s right that\'s right will gain yet we\'re not doing that anymore and so when dad shows up he says the fun is over yeah time for you guys to sober up and up but I said do you see anybody out there that has that fortitude I don\'t know they\'re all still talking about more money that\'s right and the other thing you got to realize the the stagflation and subsequent inflation in the seventies was 9 years long it was 71 to 79 so talk a little about that it was about to get an email I\'m gonna fired out to you guys if you\'re not on our email list go to M. R. T. X. R. E.com. Copyright 2021 @ Mr. Texas Real Estate
