The Tax Benefits Work In a Government Regulated Industry

Published: April 14, 2021, 4:47 p.m.


Welcome show Jason bottle rubber you know Hey rob I\'m gonna just I\'m gonna do this today yep I am queued up for a rant anytime you\'re ready today today. I it because I think I figured out exactly what\'s driving me crazy so I posted to call controversial. L. make sure the controversy here or pick it up and put on my face. That right there is controversial. We\'re wearing the mask and I think I figured the whole thing up so he got it I think I got it so whenever you\'re ready to hear rant I\'m ready to let it rip so I was in Bucky\'s yesterday okay. And one guy and his wife and 2 kids no mask yeah everyone else mask that\'s right I mean everyone now and then the everyone I would say maybe 3 percent. Kind of not wearing it right we are a little too loose one person below the nose. And had I had a little more time wasn\'t so exhausted I would have just asked the question I\'m not starting a fight dude I just want to know I want to know why you know we\'re in a mask like what\'s the big deal help help me understand all right so now you just keep the rental is it is it freedom of your liberties is it maybe already had go it needs if you feel like you\'re not gonna get it again I just wonder why an hour around sort were figured out that\'s not to be true isn\'t it that yep we have a common cold problem here only so Chris Matterson interviewed a an interesting guy his wife yeah we saw that you saw the interview how his wife is like picture of health I think she\'s one of these vegan yoga checks I mean like yep she probably doesn\'t even use cosmetics to hurt animals right which is like one of those kind of people why would you yeah so she\'s like this picture of health and she gets cove it twice and it\'s awful both times last year was the first time is crazy but anyway so all right I\'ll go there so I was in there to put these 2 posts there\'s there\'s a lot of morons out there a lot all of that\'s insensitive I\'m sorry just come on Yahoo\'s does the other thing I was struggling with his yeah and I\'m a good word ya ya whose jobs so we got a couple young who\'s out there are starting to earn their Darwin awards so they\'re posting on Facebook that you know the virus is fake news totally fake it\'s not real and they\'re dying from it which I find I have 0 sympathy for that 0 I have a little bit I do own cellphone. Because it\'s not like it\'s why didn\'t really know I kind of caught it I heard this thing like these guys are ranting and raving on Facebook about how does being and all that and then they\'re dying from it which I think is just hilarious sell surplus population it is yeah that\'s how we get our carbon footprint down we\'ll just let the rest these guys Yahoo right yeah who\'s rant rave on Facebook. So I posted a couple these articles and I said we got a lot of guys running for that Darwin award here in 2020 like they\'re trying to see who can win it so if you guys are not familiar the Darwin award is is kind of a split thing where it\'s it\'s the number 1 person who dies in the most ridiculous fashion Cyprus way yeah stupidest way like I think there was a gal that won the Darwin award 1 year she was like it\'s some park somewhere. Again yeah well looking up over the bridge but she was taking a selfie then fell off the face of this thing I mean it looks crazy stuff like that right which just happens almost to yourself in the Grand Canyon fell and fell and hit her. Greg he\'s pretty big but high so. In any case I posted like all right so these guys are up for runner up for you know Darwin award yeah and all and all of a sudden all the no mass crowds start showing up that\'s awesome in the no mask people are hilarious to me especially the ones in real estate.  For more information visit (Copyright Mr. Texas Real Estate)
