Tertiary Market Explained. What Is The Difference Between Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Market

Published: April 14, 2021, 5:25 p.m.


Welcome show Jason by Robert Vito Texas real estate radio network yeah I gotta have you read that email it\'s a look it\'s it is definitely on the line no that\'s over. Over the line over the line but you know it\'s all pure data will pull it back we\'ll figure dial it dial it back a little bit it\'s a little it\'s a little jacked up population trends yep so we\'re at 30 6:00 hours into the 75 yard yeah I\'m finding the biggest challenges the the work out to take care of that died in the caloric deficit all that I don\'t know what you\'re at you probably had like a total of 7 that calories yesterday with 2 workouts probably yeah I was that I dropped 3 pounds overnight holy cow yeah I did I I went lifted it like 2 or 3 and then I wrote it like. 6:07 last night we went to a a hard core I it was only 50 and it was raining and windy and cold a cold front blew in and I can\'t believe that I used to training whether 30 degrees colder than that I got home and I was like that was awful but you got to work out twice a day and 1 has to be outside yeah so today\'s going much better yeah you can do to outside but yeah 1 is built so I had to stay up later. Clean water in playing call of duty just forget the water I was literally ready to pass out I\'m at 5 of money right now 5 you\'re a okay so you\'re good lunch I\'ll be at 6 and then I\'m good I think about halfway through here but so anyways this challenge folks you have to drink a gallon every day yep and I got started a little too late yesterday and I\'m sitting there and it\'s like 930 I just got off I just had dinner just got a face time thing and I\'m sitting there and I\'m like I can\'t I can\'t stay awake it sells like well. The new season Acala DVD so I find that up I started playing I was just drink because I was like I already read my stuff just start studying for the real estate exam but I\'m like I\'m completely out of it so I\'m just playing call of duty to stay awake and then soon as I finish my waters like that\'s it I\'m done like in the middle game I\'ll touch log out. No I had I had a good sleep everything I woke up I got a little gym in my son room they might have to do anything yeah I\'m making them when my my ankles and my. Knees are about to explode there is a Hey Mario if you\'re watching can you post the joint stuff because he\'s having the same thing like you know you get a little bit older the joints start to ache and he\'s taken this joint thing out he said for like for the last 812 weeks up like that he said it\'s amazing yeah because he\'s a bus every got knee problems back problems all that nonsense so if more if you listen put that joint stuff in there to my challenge after corpus is weakened in so that that becomes a challenge you should be able to do the work out before I leave I\'ll probably just do too long walks Saturday and it\'s fun yeah 1 of the morning when the judge yeah yeah yeah I\'m gonna go along on the beach of the nature reserve you know I keep meaning to get hooked up with the server side group that does yoga on the beach. Like oh that sounds terrible that is one of the off days that I want to start from rolling into my workout routine. Yoga yoga yeah it\'s funny I was weak yep it\'s for a while I put this weight the couple times I\'ve gone it\'s fun but then I realized like I really a private lesson because I don\'t know what I\'m doing over here now and I I think I think it\'s kind of like when you like every ever taken like taekwondo karate right that\'s exactly what it is like throwing fist all around here you don\'t know anything until you get that little 90 seconds of coaching and then as well okay and then you start yet so you need to go from a crouching tiger digital addressing that in your life it\'s a scene everything right you\'re just out there you just.

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