Market Prediction For 2021 By Mr. Texas Real Estate

Published: April 14, 2021, 4:31 p.m.


Welcome show Jason Bible robber fino Texas real estate radio network. A little little Tesla Dave Jr. So they think the roadster is gonna be ready a year sooner yeah so I immediately was like all right let\'s see if they\'re still taking pre orders and they are so I\'m gonna go ahead and put an order in probably not going to get the S. are going on the road I\'m just gonna get the roads or go straight for it because it\'ll be another and that\'s 200 K. 200 K. so you\'re in 300000 in the Las world area yeah so but they\'ve take take a look they take a $5000 credit card payment in 10 days and one another 45 G. so it\'s a $50000 now so probably due in the next month or 2 but I\'m totally just gonna or I was in there watch and they had a. Since they\'ve got a big update last week they went back and kind of look at some of the stuff that\'s happened over last month or so and the guy over at engineering explained he basically said his guess is 0 to seconds which is like funny car dragster right back like. No no normal human has ever driven a car that\'s at fast so it\'s which they\'ve said even the one and I\'m not going to get the one with the SpaceX technology the rocket boosters because the the one thing it said is in order for them to put the rocket boosters and along with the the cold fusion tanks they\'re gonna take out those will back seats and I need those back seats just to throw crap back yeah so anyways I\'m yeah I just said screw undergoing a roadster hound of cyber truck and roadster and probably some I will keep the tundra because I\'m gonna have a truck he got traded in yeah so get like a 4 runner or something like that you know some little S. U. V. but yeah when they said oh yeah by the way we think them because I didn\'t think I was gonna come out to 24 maybe 23 but now they\'re talking yeah we think it\'s gonna be sooner okay I\'m gonna build a nice little circle. Cement little panel around pad the you can just it\'ll be raised Z. dried up just drive it up every parking right there. It\'s gonna be pretty cool I don\'t know how many they I thought I read they said they can do 10000 a year so that seems that seems high not about right. For $200000 car yeah but the casting most of it right so well here\'s the interesting thing I was reading through some of the stuff on Tesla radi and they said you know what\'s nice is because the price point so high that it\'s gonna allow them to do a lot of like hand finish work he so they said if you think the quality on the model the the new model S. and the model particular model 3 right now yeah why is really good they were like it\'s going to sure if they do arrive it\'s going to be really just blow you away cell which is the intent of that car he wants it to be the ultimate car right then I found an article that went through all of his old cars and I didn\'t realize Yvonne is I mean I kind of lose a car guy yeah yeah but then when I saw what he used to own I was like oh no he\'s a legit cargo right like driving a jaguar X. Katie ease and all that I mean that\'s a really cool I mean he\'s he\'s driven he\'s on some really cool cars so anyways roadsters can be ridiculous like I\'m over the model as someone that roads were all in on the model Y. took awhile of convincing ran on a model I can go. What\'s the lead time are you guys gonna wait til Edward Adams weeks now we\'re not okay we\'re going. I got up the time zone a house last ounce New Jersey a nice big payday would take part of that but it dumping but doubts on by that yeah I think we\'ll order probably 94 weeks okay so you have it like Q. 2. For more information visit (Copyright Mr. Texas Real Estate)
