Insider's Guide To The Housing Crisis. The Market Is My Mentor

Published: Sept. 23, 2021, 9:08 p.m.


We\'re gonna show Jason bottle Texas real estate radio network from the world renowned Mr Texas real estate team. Broadcasting. Here at the Texas real estate investment center we\'re open for business just had our partner meeting and an update on leases here I think we have less than 6 office spaces so. For those of you who are still interested shoot me an email Jason at M. R. T. X. R. Jason at M. R. T. X. R. if you want an office here in the Texas real estate investment center when I say less than 6 it might only be 3 at this point I sent some emails out this morning with some vendors. And potential tenants this morning I think I sent 3 or 4 and I would be surprised if all or at least half of them taking office here so if you guys want to be at the epicenter here of Houston real estate this is the place to be so that\'s my infomercial for the office here and in Houston so. Today\'s show we\'re gonna talk about who my mentor is. And I think a lot of people I\'ve got consultants and put that way we have a business consultant in southern California\'s next Casey\'s absolutely incredible. We get him on a 3045 minute phone call and the number of ideas that come out of there just insane and they\'re all fantastic so we\'ve got consultants that we use if you will. But a lot of people a lot of people asked me well who is your mentor I could you chasing. You have a mentor like a super secret mentor that that I can tap into that\'s really the question they\'re asking like Jason can I just get get the guy that\'s coaching you now. And truth be told there isn\'t one. So one of my favorite authors out there is a guy by the name of Aaron Clarey he wrote the book best book on the housing crash called the insider\'s growth insider\'s guide to the housing crisis published the day bear spark back I\'m not have a great day with the conversations at the day that up. Sterns went under. Like he was he was writing this book as it happened I don\'t believe any author who\'s written a book on the housing crisis wrote and published their book. As the crisis began. So as far as I\'m concerned he and Michael Burry are the only guys got this right. Everybody else just goes back and looks at history and anybody can write history book is not that hard. Heck we wrote our book in 3 days without a ghostwriter. That\'s so like it it\'s not that hard to write a book about history. It\'s really hard to write a book about the future. And that\'s essentially what he did. So big fan has. But any case when people ask me like Hey who\'s who\'s your mentor lead in one of Aaron Claire\'s book he says at some point in your career if you\'re really pushing the envelope you become nearly peerless what does that mean it\'s the old proverbial saying like the air gets real thing at the top the number people are at the top you\'re real small it\'s not a whole lot of them. Heck will vacation in same place latimes cinder skids of same schools like it it starts getting pretty thin at the top. You start look around you\'re like how many guys in Houston Brian 101520 houses a month. Are there a dozen of us maybe. L. like 10 of us there\'s not a whole lot. So who is who then is your mentor. Some people look to religion and that\'s fine. But when it comes down to the tactical and strategy building part of your business who\'s your mentor. And I get this question all the time I got it all day Thursday you know who\'s your business coach now she says you know and and what I realized I said look. The only business coach or mentor I read every day is the market. The market is my mentor. Now here\'s the thing. The market doesn\'t speak plain English. But there gets the code gets there gets to a point your career where you now have to be able to analyze what\'s going on in the world. Copyright Mr. Texas Real Estate @ 2021
