12 The Magic Number (Or Not) Of Real Estate With Co-Host Robert Orfino

Published: April 14, 2021, 4:55 p.m.


For some reason people are looking for 12% returns when they seek entry into the real estate investing game. So enamored are they with this \\u201cmagic number\\u201d that they pass over perfectly good deals at 7%-8%? This is just one of the many interesting topics that Jason Bible and Robert Orfino tackle for this episode. They also give their take on people\\u2019s apparent obsession with the stock market and why it is never a solid way to make money compared to running a business or investing in real estate. In a couple of tangents, they also talk about their opinions about the documentary, Social Dilemma, as well as some reflections on the current political atmosphere as the presidential elections are fast approaching. Plus, Mr. Texas Real Estate Mastermind is coming soon to Southern Texas. Stay tuned in to learn where you can sign up.

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