Justin Caine testimonial 100219

Published: Oct. 1, 2019, 8:37 p.m.

There are many great reasons for entrepreneurs like you to belong to the Small Business Association of Michigan. “It's an amazing opportunity to just speak to someone that's been there, and done that, to see that, you know, you're on the right path, and you're doing the right stuff.” Justin Caine is the co-owner of Good Fruit Video in mid-Michigan and he appreciates the opportunity the organization gives him for owner-to-owner interaction. “Being able to talk to someone and when you think you’re drowning, and you think you're doing a horrible job, and then you talk to someone and they say, oh no, you know, yeah, I feel the same way or blah, blah, blah, you know, I did this and this is how I do this.” Leverage the value of your involvement with the Small Business Association of Michigan. Learn more by calling today at 800-362-5461.