Jerry Grubb testimonial 072519

Published: July 26, 2019, 2:59 p.m.

There are many great reasons for entrepreneurs like you to belong to the Small Business Association of Michigan. Jerry Grubb is the co-owner (with his wife Rhonda) of Wee Discover Child Care and Enrichment Center in Waterford, and a past chair of the SBAM Board of Directors. One of the things he really values about his engagement is the way that SBAM gives him opportunities to connect with lawmakers, from state representatives to the governor. “It's great to call an office, it's great to be able to write a letter. But when you can talk to those people face-to-face and let them know we’re the small business people here in Michigan, we're the people who do a majority of the employment here in Michigan, this is what I think about that particular bill or this would really help if you did that -- those types of things -- the advocacy has been really strong for me.” Grubb also gets a lot out of participating in SBAM owner-to-owner activities. “When you go to the SBAM owner-to-owner meetings or the Leadership Council, you're talking to people who own a business who have the same problems as you would have and who might have solutions you can get. So it's very helpful to me to be able to talk to other business owners about solutions, problems, techniques, ideas that they use.” Leverage the value of your involvement with the Small Business Association of Michigan. Learn more by calling today at 800-362-5461.