Ginny Seyferth testimonial 101719

Published: Oct. 17, 2019, 7:29 p.m.

There are many great reasons for entrepreneurs like you to belong to the Small Business Association of Michigan. “The Small Business Association is just really an asset to help small businesses become better businesses and learn from one another and in really embellish, you know, what you've learned and how I can take some of those best practices within my own organization.” Ginny Seyferth is the founder and president of nationally-known public relations and communications firm SeyferthPR in Grand Rapids. “I think it's the opportunity to have somebody looking out for small business from whether it's taxes or you know, workers comp issues. It's a resource. I think when we get too limited into what we do every day and we don't look at the bigger picture I think it's problematic.” Leverage the value of your involvement with the Small Business Association of Michigan. Learn more by calling today at 800-362-5461.