A Conversation With Prince Harry & Meghan, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex

Published: Oct. 10, 2020, 3:56 p.m.


In honor of World Mental Health Day, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex sat down with us for a conversation about prioritizing mental health, removing the stigma around the issue, and how we can all contribute to a healthier world: physically, mentally, emotionally, holistically.


"The Duke and Duchess learned about teenager therapy from a New York Time profile on the hosts and show a few months ago. They listened to a few episodes and were so impressed with the show and the grace and honesty of the young hosts. They knew immediately that they wanted to support their important work."


We cannot emphasize enough how honored we are to be able to bring you this important conversation. We hope you enjoy it and find something you can apply to your life. Take care of yourself, you deserve to be loved. 



This episode is presented by Headspace. 


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