Is Verizon (VZ) Best In The Business? T-Mobile (TMUS) Competition

Published: Oct. 21, 2022, 11:03 p.m.

b'"Verizon (VZ) had another disappointing quarter with regards to a net loss of consumers in the wireless, retail, and postpaid space. The economically challenged marketplace is only making things worse as the Verizon quarterly performance is as bad as it has been in decades. Verizon (VZ) seems to be stuck in the past since they still claim to be the best in the business which is why they charge a premium price for their services. However, T-Mobile (TMUS) has come out of nowhere in the last several years giving Verizon a run for it\'s money. 5G gives Verizon a new growth opportunity, but it also gives their competitors the same growth opportunity," says Jeff Kagan.'