Twelve Days of Horror With The Arcanist - Third Day - "Absent Spouse Syndrome" and "Oymyakon"

Published: Dec. 16, 2022, 2 p.m.


Welcome to a special series from The Arcanist Team. Over the next twelve days, we\'ll be featuring flash fiction from Christopher Stanley\'s collection\\xa0The Lamppost Huggers and Other Wretched Tales.\\xa0Welcome to The Twelve Days of Horror.

On the Third day of Horror, we\'re facing cold spouses and even colder climates.

Christopher Stanley is the author of numerous prize-winning flash fictions, the darkest of which can be found spreading misery and mayhem in his debut collection,\\xa0The Lamppost Huggers and Other Wretched Tales\\xa0(The Arcanist, June 2020). He\\u2019s also the author of the horror novelette,\\xa0The Forest is Hungry\\xa0(Demain Publishing, April 2019). Follow him on Twitter @allthosestrings or visit his website:

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Tales From The Arcanist\\xa0and\\xa0Twelve Days of Horror\\xa0are produced by the editors of The Arcanist. Music provided by\\xa0WATERCAT\\xa0from\\xa0Fugue.
