Music That Moves You

Published: May 28, 2019, 10 a.m.

Join Molly and special guest Vida Loek as they discuss the power of music. How it can be used for events as well as guiding us out of low moments in life. 

Vida Marie, has impacted thousands with her music, whether creating it or DJing at her client’s transformational events. She’s performed at festivals, colleges, and been interviewed on many college radio stations as well as locally broadcasted Television shows.

Her fanbase spreads Worldwide, she’s created a hefty catalog of music, she’s launching a podcast, creating a music video each month, building three businesses and living her core passions daily.

Vida is known for her poetry, open-heart and sharing her healing work through her intuitive gifts.

Her book, Soul Strength, is due out early next year, and is a promised to offer you insights, and access to Mindset Shifts that will be able to help you navigate out of the deepest lows.

Check her out here: