System Showcase // The Marriage System That Changed Everything Plus A Powerful Story About Taking A Chance On Systems For Your Home With VIP Student Caitlin Theobald

Published: Dec. 8, 2023, 11:04 a.m.

b"Here we are in December's System Showcase! I have a special guest and a special system to talk about in this episode! One that is near and dear to my heart. I have had a really long journey with this specific system, and I\\u2019m really excited to dive into what it looks like in other peoples\\u2019 lives.\\n\\xa0\\nI am so excited to bring VIP Student, Caitlin Theobald, to you! So many things happen in this episode, and like most interviews, so much goodness comes out of them!\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nYou\\u2019re going to hear exactly what it looks like to put a system in place that doesn\\u2019t just impact you, but also impacts your husband by way of your marriage. Caitlin has so beautifully had the intention and the time to be able to put this system in place, and she shares it in one of the most stunning ways I\\u2019ve ever experienced.\\n\\xa0\\nLet\\u2019s jump in and gain some system inspo!\\n\\xa0\\nxoxo,\\nChelsi Jo\\n\\nResources from Today\\u2019s Episode:\\nWhere you can find Caitlin:\\xa0\\nInstagram: @homeandabroad320\\n\\xa0\\n.\\n\\xa0\\n.\\n\\xa0\\nJoin Our Free Systemize Your Life Community \\xa0\\n\\xa0\\n.\\n\\xa0\\n.\\n\\xa0\\nTake The FREE Overwhelmed To Organized Quiz \\xa0\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\n.\\n\\xa0\\n.\\n\\xa0\\nJoin The Complete Home Management System That Takes You From Overwhelmed To Organized In Four Weeks! JOIN SYSTEMIZE YOUR LIFE HERE\\n\\xa0\\n.\\n\\xa0\\n.\\nJoin The Complete Task Management System That Takes Your Business From Overwhelmed To Organized! JOIN SYSTEMIZE YOUR BIZ HERE"