EP 377 // 4 Fail Proof Ideas To Use If You Want A Focused Work Block Everyday

Published: Feb. 16, 2024, 11:03 a.m.

b'In today\\u2019s episode, I\\u2019ll be sharing 4 fail-proof ideas that you can adapt to create unbreakable focus in your work-block. I get it, as a work from home mom, there are so many distractions competing for your time. Whether it\\u2019s that pile of laundry that didn\\u2019t get folded this morning, the family group chat with another funny message from your sister or another client email that needs your attention, the distractions never stop. I understand the struggle and will show you how to overcome it with these proven ideas. You\\u2019re going to love this episode.\\n\\xa0\\nMake sure you stick around until the very end because I\\u2019ll be sharing a bonus tip on what\\u2019s been working well for me lately and how I\\u2019m showing up to my work block each day, distraction-free.\\n\\xa0\\nAlso, don\\u2019t forget! Our Workflow Workshop is THIS coming Tuesday, February 20th. If this episode resonates with you and you need more direction on how to get focused and organize your daily life and business, you aren\\u2019t going to want to miss it. You can find the link below!\\n\\nxoxo,Chelsi Jo.\\n.\\n\\xa0\\n.\\n\\xa0\\nMARK YOUR CALENDAR!\\n\\xa0\\nYou\\u2019re invited to our Business Workflow Workshop on Tuesday, Feb 20th. Come hang out with me while I teach you the four steps to using workflows to grow your business.\\n\\xa0\\nI\\u2019m going to help you learn how to strategically organize your processes so that you can stay consistent without feeling burnt out. No matter what your small business is, this event is for you.\\n\\xa0\\nIf you\\u2019re ready to elevate your game and discover the four steps that have propelled my business forward through strategic workflows, then reserve your spot right now. Claim your seat for the Workflow Workshop.\\n\\xa0\\n.\\n\\xa0\\nResources From Today\\u2019s Episode:\\n.\\n\\n.\\n\\xa0\\n.\\n\\xa0\\nGrab your spot today in our upcoming WORKFLOW WORKSHOP\\n\\xa0\\n.\\n\\xa0\\n.\\n\\xa0\\nJoin Our Free Systemize Your Life Community \\xa0 www.facebook.com/groups/systemizeyourlife\\n\\xa0\\n.\\n\\xa0\\n.\\n\\xa0\\nTake The FREE Overwhelmed To Organized Quiz \\xa0 https://chelsijo.co/quiz\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\n.\\n\\xa0\\n.\\n\\xa0\\nJoin The Complete Home Management System That Takes Your From Overwhelmed To Organized In Four Weeks! JOIN SYSTEMIZE YOUR LIFE HERE\\n\\xa0\\n.\\n\\xa0\\n.\\n\\xa0\\nJoin The Complete Task Management System That Takes Your Business From Overwhelmed To Organized! JOIN SYSTEMIZE YOUR BIZ HERE'