EP 315 // I Stopped Time Blocking And Gave Up My Paper Planner For 6 Months! Find Out What Happened To My House, Family, Business, and Health

Published: June 6, 2023, 11:12 a.m.

b"The queen of time blocking herself gave it all up! The paper planner, the time blocks, the entire method went out the window for six months.\\nInside of today's episode, we\\u2019re sharing all the juicy details of what happened.\\nIf you've ever been curious\\xa0about what it feels like to live a life of complete systemization - fully time blocked, fully productive, feeling amazing, and then what would happen if you let it all go, you\\u2019re about to find out!\\nGrab your pen and paper, there's going to be a few things you\\u2019ll want to jot down. What do you say? Let's jump into today's episode!\\n\\xa0\\n\\nxoxo,\\nChelsi Jo\\n.\\n\\n.\\n\\n.\\n\\nJoin Our Free Systemize Your Life Community \\xa0 www.facebook.com/groups/systemizeyourlife\\n\\n.\\n\\n.\\n\\nGet Your FREE Time Blocking Workbook Here \\xa0 www.chelsijo.co/timeblockingworkbook\\n\\n.\\n\\n.\\n\\nGet Your FREE Fundamental Needs Workbook Here\\xa0 \\xa0 www.chelsijo.co/myprioritiesworkbook\\n\\n.\\n\\n.\\n\\nJoin The Complete Home Management System That Takes Your From Overwhelmed To Organized In Four Weeks! JOIN SYSTEMIZE YOUR LIFE HERE www.chelsijo.co/syl\\n\\n.\\n\\n.\\n\\nJoin The Complete Task Management System That Takes Your Business From Overwhelmed To Organized! JOIN SYSTEMIZE YOUR BIZ HERE www.chelsijo.co/syb"