EP 291 - Is Your Day Stressful, Clunky, And Exhausting? Three Tips To Making Your Day Run Like A Well Oiled Machine Most Days Of The Week Is Inside!

Published: Feb. 28, 2023, 11:06 a.m.

b"Ever feel like there's far too much to do every single day, and in no place on this\\xa0earth would you ever be able to stop multitasking long enough to put a group of tasks together in a day?\\nYou\\u2019re constantly running here and there, taking all the kids to and fro, cleaning up and picking up 24/7, just to turn around and find yet another mess that you thought you finally got a hold of.\\nYou have clients that need to be invoiced, responded to and cared for, so this side hustle you're trying to do isn't a complete waste of your time.\\nThe good news is there is another way. You can completely flip this lifestyle you are living right now on its head. You can have actual fun, and have full freedom in your life with your time, so your life can run like a well-oiled machine.\\nToday's episode is going to give you tried and true tips so you can make sure your life is not a train wreck causing burnout, but rather a source of energy, joy, and massive productivity.\\nIt's time to dig in deep, ladies, and you know how this goes! Grab that pen and paper, and let's get started with today's episode.\\n\\xa0\\n\\nxoxo,\\nChelsi Jo\\n.\\n\\n.\\n\\n.\\n\\nJoin Our Free Systemize Your Life Community \\xa0 www.facebook.com/groups/systemizeyourlife\\n\\nGo From Organized To Overwhelmed So You Can Have More Time // Watch Now \\xa0 www.chelsijo.co/workshop\\n\\nGet Your FREE Time Blocking Workbook Here \\xa0 www.chelsijo.co/timeblockingworkbook\\n\\nGet Your FREE Fundamental Needs Workbook Here\\xa0 \\xa0 www.chelsijo.co/myprioritiesworkbook\\n\\n.\\n\\n.\\n\\n.\\n\\nGet Your Home Management System Up and Running In 4 Weeks! Start Today!!\\xa0 JOIN THE SYSTEMIZE YOUR LIFE ACADEMY HERE www.chelsijo.co/academy"