EP 282 // 5 Different Ways To Get 10 Hours Of Uninterrupted Work Every Week

Published: Jan. 27, 2023, 11:30 a.m.

b"When we look really hard at all the time we have in a day, it can be unclear for some of us where we will find time \\xa0to work on projects around the house, focus long enough to get client work done, or even just do the work from home that we get paid to do from the company we work for.\\n\\xa0\\n\\n\\nThe daily distractions we have to constantly deal with, from dishes, to kids, to laundry, to schedules, to emails\\u2026all of these things can be so overwhelming and outnumber the hours you have, no matter how you've tried stacking it.\\n\\xa0\\n\\n\\nThe good news is every problem has a solution depending on how you look at it! Sometimes it just takes a new set of eyes and a little creative problem-solving to come up with the time that you need to be able to work alone without distractions and get the job done.\\n\\xa0\\n\\n\\nInside today's episode, I'm giving you creative ways to look at your week to find at least 10 hours of uninterrupted time. We\\u2019ve got a lot to cover, so grab that notebook, friend, and let's get started with today's episode!\\n\\xa0\\n\\nxoxo,\\nChelsi Jo\\n.\\n.\\n.\\n.\\n.\\n.\\nJoin Our Free Systemize Your Life Community \\xa0 www.facebook.com/groups/systemizeyourlife\\nGo From Organized To Overwhelmed So You Can Have More Time // Watch Now \\xa0 www.chelsijo.co/workshop\\nGet Your FREE Time Blocking Workbook Here \\xa0 www.chelsijo.co/timeblockingworkbook\\nGet Your FREE Fundamental Needs Workbook Here \\xa0 \\xa0www.chelsijo.co/myprioritiesworkbook\\n.\\n.\\n.\\nGet Your Home Management System Up and Running In 4 Weeks! Start Today!!\\xa0 JOIN THE SYSTEMIZE YOUR LIFE ACADEMY HERE www.chelsijo.co/academy"