EP 184 // Make Progress Without Sacrificing Your Sleep And Sanity! Learn What To Do To Get Productive And Run A Successful Business Instead

Published: Feb. 1, 2022, 11:24 a.m.

b"The real take away from today is how to be productive and run a successful business without sacrificing your life in the process. It seems so noble to be a work from home mom, but we all know that the amount of sacrifice it takes to run a house and run a business that isn't just a hobby takes a lot of work. Some days we even wonder if its too much work for one person to do, and based on the amount of sleep you\\u2019re currently losing to make it happen, that just might be the case. I promise you though, it doesn't have to be that way. Inside of today's episode I am going to give you the three ways you can really make this happen and keep your sanity. Tune in to find out exactly how! \\n\\xa0\\nxoxo,\\nChelsi Jo\\xa0\\n.\\n.\\n.\\n.\\nSnag the the Productivity + Business Power Bundle TODAY before the offer ends on February 7th 2022! ChelsiJo.Co/PowerBundle"