EP 161 // 10 Reasons Your To-Do Lists Arent Working For You Plus The Powerful Way To Sart Getting More Done In Home And Buisness

Published: Nov. 2, 2021, 11:32 a.m.

b"I see it over and over again, serial list makers. You know, the kind that has a notebook for every area of life! A notebook for the kids, a notebook for the side hustle, a notebook for house to-do, and a notebook for all the things... but nothing is actually getting done. Don't get me wrong, I could spend an hour in the Target stationary aisle and likely would buy all the notebooks if I could. Truth be told, I have a drawer under my bed with nearly 10 different notebooks now (you know, just in case I need to give a cute gift away) but my productivity is not attached to my deep love of all things cute paper. My productivity is a direct result of my simple series of systems I use week in and week out. Speaking of that notebook.... why don't you grab it and a pen because you're gonna want to take notes on todays episode. \\nxoxo,\\nChelsi Jo"