EP 103 Back To Basics Series // Have Hard Conversations With Your Husband About Your Needs With Confidence

Published: April 9, 2021, 10:32 a.m.

b'Welcome to the Back To Basics Series! This is a 4 day podcast series aimed at giving you, the work from home mom who is trying to grow her dreams and serve her home and family well, the tools she needs to juggle it all! We are dialing it back, breaking it down, and getting back to basics in motherhood, business, home and marriage over 4 days, and 4 episodes. Today is the final day, DAY FOUR!! I go deep into making sure you are on the same page with your husband and not feeling afraid to speak your needs. Plus, I give you specific examples and a straight forward system that really makes this episode life changing for you and your husband.\\xa0If you want to do your very best work in every area of your life then grab your pen and paper ladies because I am about to dive in to the Back To Basics series right here in the Systemize Your Life podcast!!\\n\\xa0\\nxoxo,\\xa0\\nChelsi Jo\\xa0\\n.\\n.\\n.\\n.\\n.\\nCLICK HERE to enroll in The Academy NOW!!\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nUse code HAPPY100 at check out through Friday for for $200 off!!!'