The Mojave Incident with Author/Expert Ron Felber

Published: June 30, 2021, 11:30 p.m.

b"The Mojave Incident is one of the most chilling UFO abduction stories ever told. Tune in as Author Ron Felber shares\\xa0all the details of this frightening abduction and how Elise & Tom Gifford survived.\\n\\nRON FELBER is the author of the Jack Madson crime thriller trilogy, which includes Dark Angel, The Kafka Society, and A Man of Indeterminate Value. Like his thriller protagonist Jack Madson, Felber has worked as a deputy sheriff, transporting federal criminals, and has fought Golden Gloves. The recipient of the UPI Award for fiction, he began his writing career with articles based on his experiences for True Detective magazine.\\n\\nFelber was educated at Georgetown University, Loyola University of Chicago, and Drew University, where he earned his Doctorate. He currently teaches creative writing at Drew University's Caspersen School of Graduate Studies."