How to Get to Heaven Without Really Dying with guest Robert Kopecky

Published: Feb. 22, 2018, 5 p.m.

Most people want to go to Heaven, and it seems that a few of us, including Robert Kopecky, have briefly visited there already. There’s no qualification for claiming knowledge of the afterlife equivalent to surviving what’s commonly called a Near Death Experience, (NDE)  - just the experience itself.  Over the course of fifteen years Robert survived three NDEs and is with us tonight to share the wisdom he learned from crossing over. Born and raised on the outskirts of San Diego, California, Robert survived a traumatic childhood, traveled extensively, and lived a variety of lives as a ski bum, a factory welder, a monumental sculpture fabricator, an underground cartoonist; and finally as an award-winning illustrator, art director, and animation designer for The New York Times, Sports Illustrated, and PBS Kids.