Healing & Magic ~ The Sacred Art of Brujeria with Bruja Katrina Rasbold

Published: Dec. 5, 2019, 12:30 a.m.

Katrina Rasbold is a Bruja and author of the new book, The Sacred Art of Brujeria.  Katrina has provided insightful guidance to countless individuals over the past three decades through both her life path consultations and her informative classes and workshops. She has worked with teachers all over the world, including three years of training in England and two years of practice in the Marianas Islands. She is a professional life coach who holds a PhD in Religion. She is married and she and her husband, Eric, co-authored the Bio-Universal Energy book series. Katrina and her husband Eric are the owners of Crossroads Metaphysical Store.  Katrina teaches workshops on Brujeria, and different aspects of Bio-Universal energy usage. She has six children who are grown up and out there loose in the world.