Bishop James Long - Banishing Demons, Exorcisms & Cleansing the Soul

Published: Jan. 18, 2023, 11:30 p.m.

About Bishop James Long, D. Min, O.S.B., O.C.R Bishop Long was born in Louisville, Kentucky and was raised Roman Catholic.  He attended a Roman Catholic grade school and he knew at the age of 5 that he wanted to be a Priest.  His mother asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up and he pointed at the priest and said, “I want to do what he does.”  From then on, his calling to serve as a priest grew stronger and after graduating high school, he had the opportunity to join the seminary but chose to join the workforce first.  It was important for him to learn how to budget and to grow into a mature adult before entering the seminary.    Because of his theological differences with the Roman Catholic Church, Bishop Long felt that it was the right decision to be ordained within the Independent/Old Catholic Church rather than to continue within the Roman Catholic Seminary.   He is currently a Bishop of the United States Old Catholic Church. and has devoted his entire life to the study of Demonology and serving others without charge.  Over 20 years ago, he went public with his deliverance ministry and was the first Catholic Exorcist to publicly help the Paranormal Community.  He serves as the Exorcist for the Church and has performed 30 documented Exorcisms on individuals who were validly possessed and he has blessed countless homes/locations.   Bishop James Long has the following earned degrees: Doctorate of Ministry Master of Divinity Master of Education  Master of Business  Bachelor of Journalism/Communications Associate of Philosophy Bishop James Long works tirelessly in answering emails, traveling to peoples homes and offering spiritual direction.