Alt Sessions - "The Wrong Camp Site"

Published: Sept. 7, 2020, 12:20 a.m.


Wynwynn Cithreth, the Beast Master Ranger, Narg, the Bear Totem Barbarian, Disturbed, the Oath Conquest Paladin, and his small gnome friend Flynnigan Cogwright Merryweather Thistledown Whistlepot Brightberry Orzook (yes that is his real name), the Transmutation Wizard sit in the Helm\'s Break tavern in the old dwarven fort of Packer\'s Den.  The portly innkeeper, Amos Carthwright, mentions as he serves them another round that he overheard some caravan guards whispering of being attacked by undead who seem to have a pension for stealing valuables.  He says that anyone who stops the cause of this and keeps the Crafter\'s Road safe for the caravan\'s would surely be able to keep anything they found that these "undead" might have taken.  The party takes a last swig of their drinks and sets out for an adventure.
