Beeshkanya | Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay | Mirchi Bangla​ | Sunday Suspense

Published: Nov. 23, 2019, 6:30 p.m.

Mirchi 98.3 brings to you Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay's  epic saga, Beeshkanya

Premiered on 24-Nov-2019

Introduction, Senjit - Deep

Ulka - Ayantika

Narration, Maharaj Chanda - Mir

Shivmisra - Jagannath Basu

Morika - Godhuli

Batuk Bhatta - Somak

Raj Pundit - Shankari Prasad Mitra

Other voices - Agni, Amartya, Alankar, Samrat, Saikat, Bikiran, Ishani, Preetha, Proteep

Radio Adaptation - Godhuli

Production - Richard

Poster Design - Asterisc

We are grateful to Sananda Chakraborty and Shankari Prasad Mitra for their suport.

Recording & Direction - Agni