471: Energy Management for increased Profits, Paul Webb of B2B Energy

Published: May 12, 2022, 8:25 p.m.


Paul Webb is an Energy Expert and Technical Adviser with 40 years\\u2019 experience helping businesses understand how to manage their energy consumption and implement strategic ways to reduce monthly/yearly costs. You\\u2019ll love his stories and his in-the-trenches approach which incorporates all stakeholders of an organization, from the boardroom to the shop floor, and educates and motivates people to achieve the organisation\'s goals and targets. He\\u2019s one of my favourite global energy experts on more than just energy savings, which is why I invited Paul as a mentor to our SunCast Tribe clients and collaborate with him often. 

Tune in to get tips on saving energy as well as growing your audience & influence online. Paul has a breadth of experience to share from and you won\\u2019t be disappointed. 

If you want to connect with today\'s guest, you\\u2019ll find links to his contact info in the show notes on the blog at https://mysuncast.com/suncast-episodes/.

SunCast is presented by Sungrow, the world\\u2019s most bankable inverter brand.

SunCast is also supported by PVcase & Trina.

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Remember, you can always find resources, learn more about today\\u2019s guest and explore recommendations, book links, and more than 650 other founder stories and startup advice at www.mysuncast.com.

You can connect with me, Nico Johnson, on:

Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/nicomeo

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/nickalus
