400: Celebrating 400!!! w/ Mike Silvestrini, CEO - Energea

Published: Sept. 16, 2021, 4:13 p.m.


Today, Nico shares his 400th conversation with clean energy experts on Suncast. Each episode investigates a small piece of the big puzzle by asking CEO\'s, founders, entrepreneurs and thought-leaders to share their story and answer questions like "how did you get here?" and "where are you going?" One by one, these intimate conversations help unite a tribe of energy professionals from all sectors, walks of life and stages in their careers, recognizing that we have so far to go and many, many more people to integrate into the #CleanEnergyRevolution.

Episode 400 brings back past guest and close friend of the podcast, Mike Silvestrini of Energea (Episode 085). Since his last appearance, Mike & Co. have created a clean energy investment platform empowering anyone to own renewable energy projects with above-average returns, for as little as $100. Let\'s face it; We need over $1 Trillion a year moving toward climate action to the damage climate change is already having. Mike and his co-founder, Chris Sattler, are moving money to make a difference, first building renewable power projects in Brazil and now the US and Africa, continuing to track global trends looking for the best places to invest in growing markets. Hear how it works, is it really as simple as an app?... and what markets is Energea eyeing next?

If you want to connect with today\'s guest, you\\u2019ll find links to his contact info in the show notes on the blog at https://mysuncast.com/suncast-episodes/.

SunCast is presented by Sungrow, the world\\u2019s most bankable inverter brand.

SunCast is also supported by PVcase & Trina.

You can learn more about all the sponsors who help make this show free for you at www.mysuncast.com/sponsors.

Remember, you can always find resources, learn more about today\\u2019s guest and explore recommendations, book links, and more than 650 other founder stories and startup advice at www.mysuncast.com.

You can connect with me, Nico Johnson, on:

Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/nicomeo

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/nickalus

Disclosure: Spero Ventures (the parent company of SunCast Media) is an investor in Energea, and Nico is a Board Member.
