322 - The story behind crowdfunding $1M on StartEngine, with Arnold Leitner

Published: Dec. 18, 2020, 5 p.m.


On Thanksgiving, you might have missed our excellent interview with Solar+ Storage entrepreneur and solar pioneer Arnold Leitner. Well in that episode, which I highly recommend you revisit clicking here, we glossed over a fun fact that his company YouSolar, Inc. is among the only 13% of companies that have launched a regulated crowdfunding campaign on a website called StartEngine and raised more than a million dollars, which helped to keep you solar alive during the pandemic, no less.

Today we\\u2019re chatting again with Arnold to dig a bit deeper into exactly what this entailed and better understand how and what they accomplished. So if you\'d like to hear how to get 500 customers and a million dollars in equity in 90 days through crowdfunding, using a verified platform and a tested strategy, well, you\'re in the right place.

And also, if you\'re interested in your own crowdfunding campaign, well, you are in luck, because I\'ve partnered with StartEngine to offer you $1,000 towards your campaign marketing. You can shoot me an email via nico@mysuncast.com with StartEngine in the subject line, and the details of your company and the campaign that you\'re interested in. And I\'ll make that intro, you\'ll be on your way to $1,000 towards your crowdfunding marketing campaign.

If you want to connect with today\'s guest, you\\u2019ll find links to his contact info in the show notes on the blog at https://mysuncast.com/suncast-episodes/.

SunCast is presented by Sungrow, the world\\u2019s most bankable inverter brand.

SunCast is also supported by PVcase & Trina.

You can learn more about all the sponsors who help make this show free for you at www.mysuncast.com/sponsors.

Remember, you can always find resources, learn more about today\\u2019s guest and explore recommendations, book links, and more than 650 other founder stories and startup advice at www.mysuncast.com.

You can connect with me, Nico Johnson, on:

Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/nicomeo

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/nickalus
